Ptarmigan/grouse hunting 23/24

Peter Schmitt, 2019

Hunting arrangements

Ptarmigan/grouse hunting

Ammarnäs Guidecenter is a hunting organizer and in our area there is access to large hunting grounds for ptarmigan/grouse and forest birds. Small game hunting is growing steadily for us at Guidecenter and in 23/24 we will continue and promise that you, as a guest, will get the best when you turn to us.

At Guidecenter, we usually reserve areas to give you as a guest access to your own hunting area. Please read more about 'Hunting in the mountains' at The county board's website.

In the area around Ammarnäs, there are uniquely large lands that are open for grouse hunting thanks to close cooperation with the Sami villages of Rans and Grans.

Hunting guide Magnus Engdahl
Magnus has many years of experience from the Vindelfjäll area regarding ptarmigan hunting with a standing bird dog. He has around 100 hunting days a year with his hunting test meritorious Pointers and works from August 25 to March 15 when he is stationed in Ammarnäs. Magnus and Guidecenter's ambition is to conduct grouse hunting in a long-term and sustainable way, where a viable bird stock is sought. Much of this takes place in close cooperation with the Sami villages in the area. The goal on every hunting occasion is to create harmony between nature, hunters and dogs. Areas Magnus is very familiar with, and which are optimal hunting areas that can be reached relatively easily without helicopter transport are: G12, G13, G14, G15, G16, G17, G18, G19, G20, R22, R24 & R28

Guidelines for hunting with a guide

  • Maximum of 4 hunters per day of 8 hours. (Optimal 2 hunters)
  • Safety is put first so that accidents and injuries are avoided
  • As I said, we keep security high, a maximum of 2 shooters can approach the standing bird dog at a time
  • The whole group stays together during the hunting day
  • Reasonable game withdrawal, maximum 4 ptarmigan per person per day
  • Better free than trap if the situation is not optimal
  • No alcoholic beverages during hunting day

  • Prices
    The base price for a day of hunting is SEK 7 500 for two people. Additional persons are SEK 1 250 per person, with a maximum of four people. All our hunting arrangements are tailored to each guest's wishes. We at Guidecenter arrange transport, food, accommodation and hunting licences. Magnus Engdahl makes sure that your hunting days are optimal. Call us and we'll tell you more about what we can help with.